Saturday, June 26, 2010

You will hear a nightingale sing, seek me out then

Finally back to regular drawing, what a relief. Between the animation workshops, the new job, and helping Roomie out on the drywall, it's been hard to devote a lot of time to creative work. But things have calmed down, and I have a much clearer direction than I had before, which is always nice.

So the usual today, a page each of regular boxes, bendy boxes and blobs. Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll get a chance to take some pics of my big newsprint pad to show you the gesture studies I'm doing. It's a new way of thinking about poses for me, so I'm going to be concentrating on it a lot over the next couple of months. In any case, I'm drawing more and more as time goes by, which is where I want to be heading. I've got goals, and this is the only way I'm gonna get there. I don't have talent, so I've gotta get there through hard work instead.

Couple of performers you should be listening to:

  • Adrien Reju
  • Will Knox
  • You Say Party, We Say Die
  • The Redwood Plan
  • Amelia Curran

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